What I Did to Become Consistently Profitable | Day Trading Recap


🔥 Watch Thor Young’s video recap for the day, where he shows his #daytradingstrategies, thought processes, and results. #Daytrading is a serious business, and you should treat it as such. If you are interested in joining a community of serious traders, click SHOW MORE below…

If you like this video and you want to learn #howtodaytradingforaliving join us at Bear Bull Traders:
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🔥 Bear Bull Traders offers #daytradingeducation for every level of trader. Their trading education program focuses on the day trading strategies discussed in the best-selling books, How to Day Trade for a Living https://amzn.to/3siLtBL and Advanced Techniques in Day Trading https://amzn.to/2Ip6wAu by Andrew Aziz.

🔥 The trading program takes members through every step of the trading process, from finding the correct broker http://bearbulltraders.com/ibkr to set up their trading platform https://bit.ly/2XdQPDW Advanced educational content focuses on core day trading strategies such as Opening Range Breakouts (ORBs), ABCD Patterns, VWAP Trading, Trends, and Extreme Reversals https://bit.ly/3BFxFWv

🔥 Courses also include how to read trading indicators like Level 2, Time and Sales, and Volume 👉 https://bit.ly/3azEk8G

🔥 Members also have access to proprietary day trading scanners designed by our experienced traders 👉 https://bit.ly/3BHpPvA

🔥 Along with strategy development, trading education also focuses on the psychology of trading – which is an element that is paramount to any day trading education 👉 https://bearbulltraders.com/psychology/

🔥 Additionally, the Bear Bull Traders program focuses on working directly with traders to analyze individual trades in an open format, in order to provide support and answer questions posed by the community.

🔥 With our Test Drive, you can try our trading community, it is a 7 day trial for only $39
👉 Attend our chatroom for a week http://bit.ly/2VnPViV
👉 Attend our Live Onboarding class on Mondays, 8.00 PM ET https://bearbulltraders.com/education/

🚨This membership does not auto-renew or charge anything when expired.
🚨 After your trial, if you feel like this is the right trading community for you, we’d love you to join us!
🔥 Join now here: http://bit.ly/2VnPViV

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