**BOOK** : The Fast Way to Learn to Trade the Micros: You can see the Table-Of-Contents at the “look inside” tab on this page: http://bit.ly/daytrademicros In paperback and eBook, free Prime shipping.
*Use TastyWorks?* Download my Chart configuration file free at this link: https://daytradingmicros.com/twconfiguration/
Install the new file, then re-start the TW program
**(BROKER: Bracket Orders OCO** How to Open Trades with a stop and target price: https://youtu.be/1suJ2ehzCsY
You can be practicing in only 5 minutes.
Here is a FREE TRADE SIMULATOR with no ads and that will keep your trade ledger for you. It is FREE for signing up (no credit card or personal info required) at the CME (Chicago Merc Exchange) at this link: https://bit.ly/TradeSimulatorFREE
Three Steps to Get Started Learning to Trade the Micros:
BROKER: This is the exact same software I use on this channel. Free software. Free Data Feeds. Low Commissions. Free money transfers in/out of your bank. Very low commissions, no robot help lines, just real live smart people ready to help you.
Just fill out the account application, no deposit or credit card required – and you do not have to fund your account until you are ready. For account type select “The Works” – and you will have an account for trading the Micros. When your application is approved: Just fund your account and you are reading to begin trading real time.
Use the FREE TRADE SIMULATOR until your TastyWorks account is ready.
Fill out your TastyWorks application at this, my affiliate link: https://bit.ly/2ZUYjtS today. In about two business days, you account should be ready (no funding required and if you change your mind, no fees or obligation whatsoever.
**Must See** Rule #1: https://bit.ly/RuleNumber1
*NEW* LIVE TRADES PLAYLIST #3: https://bit.ly/PlayListNumber3
“BEGINNERS” PLAYLIST #1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6Fasp51T9L99jOWgLdB2ZylXpzaXByo
“BEGINNER PLAYLIST #2: MACD WINNERS” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv6Fasp51T9JGVQCNmRaliEbIpzLQh0od
Don A. Singletary teaches Micro E-Mini futures trading for S&P500, NASDAQ100, DJIA, and Russell 2000 indexes. This Day Trading channel teaches beginner futures traders with an introduction on trading strategies using easy-to-follow tactics with an emphasis on selecting for small accounts. Learn to practice trade before risking real cash and learn to identify lower risk trades. There is an emphasis on selecting day trading strategies using MACD, candlestick charts, scalping techniques and the use of stop loss orders to place live day trade orders for extra income.
Futures Trading for Beginners:
Learning to trade the 1/10th size Micro Eminis can help investors learn how to protect capital while learning winning strategies for extra income, fun, and you gain a valuable skill set to day trading futures that you can use the rest of your life. Special Beginners Playlist with live trades for micro eminis will instruct and easy and fast way to learn to trade futures without all the get-rich-quick hype. Just real strategies that are inexpensive and explained step-by-step.
Welcome to the channel that quickly gathered over 10,000 subscribers quickly to learn these easy methods to learn day trading futures equity index futures. A high leverage and higher risk form of trading that can rival the excitement of the casino experience. This trading is not for everyone, not for retirement, college funds, or other more conservative type traders – but for those who can afford to allot some small segment of their funds to use in a higher risk / higher return method of day trading futures.